北汽男篮的阵容深度如海 还得再煮几分钟才能出锅_cba直播
CBA preseason kicked off on October 3rd. Beijing Ducks defeated Zhejiang Guangsha Lions 94-69. In this game, Zhou Qi, Jeremy Lin, and Jarell Martin all made their debut for the team. Among them, Jarell Martin stood out. In just 18 minutes of play, Martin scored 18 points and had 6 assists. At the same time, Zhou Qi contributed 14 points.
Beijing Ducks had a relatively complete lineup for this preseason, and people were looking forward to the team's performance. Right from the start, Beijing Ducks took control of the game against Guangsha Lions. They fully utilized the advantage of having two international players on the court, which allowed them to steadily expand their lead. In the first two quarters, Martin showcased great efficiency. Despite not appearing particularly strong, his physical prowess and ability to withstand opposition were impressive. Martin repeatedly attacked against the opponent's defense, often finishing plays at the rim. Additionally, Martin demonstrated remarkable acceleration, jumping ability, and shooting stability. Throughout the game, he scored 18 points on 7-of-10 shooting, the highest on the team. Martin repeatedly tore through the opponent's defense with his individual skills, showcasing his excellent form and outstanding abilities.
Zhou Qi also showed a decent performance in this game. Due to Beijing Ducks' rotation, Zhou's playing time was not too long, but it allowed him to display his value on the court. Zhou Qi has a variety of offensive techniques around the basket and possesses good finishing ability.
From start to finish, Beijing Ducks maintained their dominance over the opponent. Even though Guangsha Lions had the double foreign players duo of Brandon Brown and Kenny Boynton, Beijing Ducks clearly had the overall advantage in terms of team strength. The depth and thickness of Beijing Ducks' lineup are extraordinary, allowing them to make substitutions freely during certain periods of the game. This is undoubtedly a great advantage for the team.
Beijing Ducks still have two more preseason games to go. They will need some time to adapt and adjust their lineup, but there is no doubt that their performance in the upcoming season is highly anticipated.
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