佩林卡:里夫斯能否如布伦森般取得飞跃 他的潜质令人期待_jrs直播
Front page headlines never get weary of labeling individuals as the next big thing. Well, nobody really knows if Avery Bradley is indeed the next Kobe Bryant or Rajon Rondo, but the Lakers' general manager Rob Pelinka is surely intrigued by the potential the young guard possesses.
Speaking on the "Mason & Ireland" show, Pelinka expressed his excitement about Bradley's performance in the playoffs, particularly his confidence. He acknowledged that he doesn't like to compare players in the league, but he sees the emergence of players like Seth Curry, who made a great leap from the Mavericks to the Knicks. Pelinka wonders if Bradley has the same potential.
"I'm not setting any expectations for Avery Bradley, but you see players evolving in their careers and achieving great things. So, I'm banking on Bradley to continue his growth. It's not just because of his hard work and natural talent. He is an incredibly strong individual and a fierce competitor. Players with these qualities tend to constantly elevate themselves throughout their careers."
The Lakers' faith in Bradley is not unfounded. The guard played a vital role in the Lakers' success during the playoffs with his stellar defense and impactful scoring. Pelinka believes that with Bradley's perseverance and determination, he has the ability to continue to develop and make significant contributions to the team.
Only time will reveal if Avery Bradley can live up to the expectations and become a true force in the league. For now, the Lakers and their fans eagerly await to witness the continued evolution of this promising player. It's a journey that holds immense potential and excitement for both Bradley and the Lakers.
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