Peter Drury: "And here we have a remarkable tale from our guest today, Mr. Bateer. He fondly recalls his childhood days when, at the tender age of seven, he was already defying the limits of human strength. His recollections take us back to a time when he effortlessly hefted a whopping 100 kilograms, or should I say 220 pounds, as if it were mere child's play. The incredulous Mr. Yang couldn't help but inquire if such a feat was indeed possible. Bateer, with a twinkle in his eye, replied, 'Oh, I most certainly could, my friend. It was all in a day's work for me.' This exchange left Mr. Yang astounded, exclaiming that it seemed positively supernatural. To this, Bateer sheepishly confessed, 'Well, I suppose it did defy the laws of physics to some extent, my dear sir. Can you imagine, 100 kilograms!' Mr. Yang relinquished his skepticism, remarking in amazement that even the mighty Shaquille O'Neal might find himself lying on the floor in sheer astonishment. Bateer, with a chuckle, leaned in and shared a whimsical anecdote. He confessed that when curious onlookers would inquire about his immense strength, he would simply reply, 'Oh, I'm from the Tianqiao district, you know. And what do I do for a living? Well, I jokingly tell them that I peddle magic pills of strength.' Oh, the cheeky irreverence of our guest! It is indeed a pleasure to hear such extraordinary tales from a man who defied the odds and, in his own words, possessed 'superhuman strength'."
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